Thursday, September 29, 2011

Pain and Pleasure

Pleasure and Pain
I've  been thinking about pain and pleasure because the two seem to have much in common yet we all risk what is inevitable painful for pleasure. To name a few examples:     We risk or do things that can be harmful or dangerous just for that ever so fulfilling moment of happiness.
Love- isn’t it bizarre the moment we finally feel content with that last relationship and were ready to move on and be happy that person your ready to release decides come back into your life. When this happens I generally laugh and wonder why I cared so much. But why is it, the moment we stop feeling pain that person wants you back, how can they sense that you are content, and want to ruin you again. Why are we all so prone and programmed to be in pain? And why do we find pleasure in other peoples pain in some sick way? If you like someone and so does your friend why does it feel so great to be better win over your friend? (Or maybe that was just in high school). But either way - In the end aren’t we all just the same -not better- not worse- sadly enough to say were all inevitably going to be six feet under. If were living to die and yet dying to live where do you draw the line? How far will someone go? If you take a shot of alcohol and feel the burn of the and taste to feel the pleasure of being drunk. Or want to get high so you have to risk lung cancer or paranoia. Are those who indulge the most pleasure actually feel the most pain? People who are obsessed with beauty will get the most plastic surgery. Those who are obsessed with food will be obese. Those who must be the best will NEVER obtain there life goals; as Ben Folds would say “There’s Always Someone Cooler Than You.” Those who love to gamble for the pleasure and thrill will lose all there money... the list goes on and on but the question still remains ..Why is there so much pain?

Random thought:
Why are bugs so annoying? Why can’t bugs just be little bunny’s flying around? Then we would gladly let them sit with us during lunch.

I want one!!


Cadiz was beautiful we basically laid on the beach for 2 days straight. Ate alot of fried fiish and churros with chocolate sooo good!

Tub o Chocolate

Fried Shark!

Sunday, September 18, 2011


This man wearing a suit said," In Segovia" and then started cutting up the pig into pieces and then proceeded to throw the plate on the floor. It was awesome.

The ear of the pig!

Beautiful Segovia
On Friday we went on a trip to Segovia its about an hour outside of Madrid and it was absolutely beautiful. We got to see the royal palace--which was apparently Walt Disneys inspiration for the disney palace since he lived in Segovia for 2 years and then created it. Anyways after the palace we got to eat the most delicious succulent pig.

Monday, September 12, 2011

See the Beauty

stop and take a moment to appreciate something or someone once a day
So tonight was pretty much a total bust.
I got lost looking for this hostel that I was supposed to work at to take tourists to a bar crawl ... blah blah...So I basically spend the night thinking I was going to get stabbed or raped since I was walking in a foreign country alone. My neurotic Jewish parents have embedded the idea into my head that I WILL DIE if I walk anywhere alone.. so eventually you begin to believe it... ANWAYYSS.. this night I thought of something interesting on my way home in the metro... I saw a very dark skinned black probably the darkest I’ve seen, and for some reason I thought there was something so beautiful about him, like a different creature of the world. Sometimes I feel as though when you look into someones eyes you look into there souls and a lot of the time I feel scared to look into someones eyes for fear of rejection,connection, anything and tonight I realized we are all truly searching for something in this world- what I don’t know - But all I do know is we and mostly I have to stop being so scared. Or just buy some pepper spray.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Me and my friends at the metro station

Musicians on the metro are pretty typical like NYC

The metro is pretty much my second home by now I'm on it at least about 2 hours a day. It’s your complete guide to the city it’s pretty similar to NYC but in my opinion easier. What really freaks me out (and still does) is that it’s accepted to stare at people in the metro. Now being from NY if you stare at someone you either want to fuck them or fight them. But not in Spain! You can just look at someone if your curious about them. I love that! I always want to stare at that sexy guy or interesting looking woman on the metro and not seem like a total creeper and now i can (go Spain!). Also the escalators in the metro -- if your not walking you stand to the right and if you are you walk on the left- another point for Madrid fast and efficient. There are annoying men though sometimes that holler "guapa guapa"and hss at you even 80 year olds do it- awkward- no spain... no...

Going out

(puerta de sol) --one of the main areas to go out--so beautiful
Ok so not only is the food delicious but you get to eat late at night ! (TAPPAASSS<3) The spanards usually start eating dinner at 9 the earliest. So they start drinking at 9 and don’t really stop until 6 ish since the metro stops running at 1 and starts again at 6--but for all those being lame there is also a night bus. Also going out in Spain isn’t a competition to see who can get the most fucked up it’s a social event. Like you drink SOCIALLY what a concept ! You don’t take shots of zelco? and actually enjoy alcohol and don’t end up over a toilet?(or holding your friends hair back) Cmon America step up to the plate and not being such physcos. But them again if the drinking age was 18 who knows maybe we would chill out more. I hate shots. i love madrid.

Food in Madrid

                                            Typical meal at school
Ahhh... the food in Spain.... its really fucken good. I guess the one criticism i have on the food is too much ham and pork blahh butttt the seafood and vegetables and BREAD AND CHEESE are reallllly good oh and patatas y tortillas(so good at spanish). I’m full.
In my school they give you a salad/soup+a main dish(fish, chicken or some other fried thing) and a desert or fruit for only 4 euro! It’s amazing. And usually the only dressing they use is oil and vinegar but makes everything less fatting(why were fat in america). Oh and another thing Mcdonalds is also reallyyy good in spain they even have salads that are awesome( so fresh) that you can get instead of fries. Or patatas instead of fries too!


This is basically my favorite part of the day. it’s usually from around 4-6 and all the stores close down and everyone goes to take a nap. What a great idea right? Why wouldn’t you want to take a nap when your tired of staying out till 6 am? Maybe if we had siesta in the US we would be a little less wired on coffee all the time.. or maybe not but nonetheless, siestas are awesome.