Sunday, September 11, 2011

Going out

(puerta de sol) --one of the main areas to go out--so beautiful
Ok so not only is the food delicious but you get to eat late at night ! (TAPPAASSS<3) The spanards usually start eating dinner at 9 the earliest. So they start drinking at 9 and don’t really stop until 6 ish since the metro stops running at 1 and starts again at 6--but for all those being lame there is also a night bus. Also going out in Spain isn’t a competition to see who can get the most fucked up it’s a social event. Like you drink SOCIALLY what a concept ! You don’t take shots of zelco? and actually enjoy alcohol and don’t end up over a toilet?(or holding your friends hair back) Cmon America step up to the plate and not being such physcos. But them again if the drinking age was 18 who knows maybe we would chill out more. I hate shots. i love madrid.

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