Sunday, September 11, 2011


Me and my friends at the metro station

Musicians on the metro are pretty typical like NYC

The metro is pretty much my second home by now I'm on it at least about 2 hours a day. It’s your complete guide to the city it’s pretty similar to NYC but in my opinion easier. What really freaks me out (and still does) is that it’s accepted to stare at people in the metro. Now being from NY if you stare at someone you either want to fuck them or fight them. But not in Spain! You can just look at someone if your curious about them. I love that! I always want to stare at that sexy guy or interesting looking woman on the metro and not seem like a total creeper and now i can (go Spain!). Also the escalators in the metro -- if your not walking you stand to the right and if you are you walk on the left- another point for Madrid fast and efficient. There are annoying men though sometimes that holler "guapa guapa"and hss at you even 80 year olds do it- awkward- no spain... no...

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